About the Shanghai Neuroeconomics Collective

Neuroeconomics is a rapidly growing international academic discipline focused on understanding how and why humans and animals make the decisions that they do. Combining approaches from Economics, Psychology, Neuroscience and Anthropology, the discipline unites scholars from across the academic spectrum to understand how we make decisions with an aim towards treating pathology, understanding consumer behavior and developing better public policies. In the last decade, Centers for the Study of Neuroeconomics have begun to emerge throughout Asia and the Pacific Rim. In and around Shanghai, two major research centers have united to build Neuroeconomics in this region. NYU Shanghai and East China Normal University work together to support a regional seminar series, an international summer school, regular regional meetings and a host of other projects designed to enhance the importance of Neuroeconomics within East China. 

The mission of the Shanghai Neuroeconomics Collective is to unite and develop the interdisciplinary study of human decision making throughout Asia and the Pacific – linking the study of decision making from the level of neurons to the level of social policy. Central to this mission, we sponsor regular meetings, colloquia and an international summer school. For more information about our mission, click here

The Shanghai Neuroeconomics Collective supports, as one of its flagship programs, an international summer school on Neuroeconomics which will be held biennially. Held on the brand new downtown campus of New York University in Shanghai, the Neuroeconomics Summer School brings together international leaders in neuroeconomics, gifted graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows for an intensive 2-week course. Modeled after the Cold Spring Harbor Banbury meetings and the International Behavioral Economics Summer School, the course aims to be the preeminent training venue for young neuroeconomists.